IELTS Exam Preparation
Prepare for success in your IELTS Speaking and Writing Assessments with 1:1 support from Blue Water’s qualified IELTS examiners.
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IELTS examiners
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How We Can Help
Speaking and Writing are the two core components of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) assessment that students find the most challenging. At Blue Water, we work with qualified IELTS examiners to provide specialised support in these two key areas – equipping you with the knowledge and confidence you need to succeed.
Qualified IELTS Examiners
one-on-one mock examination
1:1 Speaking Mock Assessments
Detailed Feedback
Your Blue Water examiner will provide you with detailed feedback on your mock assessment, gauging your progress and identifying areas for improvement.
Learn Skills
Experience tailored learning methods designed to fast-track your preparation for the IELTS assessment. Our personalised approach, coupled with live instruction from expert teachers, ensures swift skill development for optimal performance in the IELTS examination.
Mastery in IELTS Coaching
Our teaching team boasts unparalleled qualifications and extensive experience in mentoring students to excel in the IELTS exams. Proficient in swiftly identifying and addressing individual learning hurdles, our educators efficiently guide students to meet and exceed their IELTS targets.
Real-Time IELTS Mastery
Our commitment to live interaction with certified instructors and examiners ensures rapid improvement in your IELTS scores. No recordings, guaranteed. Experience every session live with our highly qualified teachers and examiners, dedicated to your IELTS success.
Certified Evaluators
Count on our certified examiners, equipped with extensive expertise, for accurate and dependable IELTS evaluations. Beyond assessment, they offer invaluable guidance to support your journey to IELTS success.
Detailed Feedback
Your Blue Water examiner will provide you with detailed feedback on your mock assessment, gauging your progress and identifying areas for improvement.
Learn Skills
With unlimited courses It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
Expert Teachers
Best & highly qualified It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
Live Classes
Best & highly qualified It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
Value all over the world It is a long established fact that a reader will be distracted by the readable content.
Find The Right Solution For You
1 speaking or writing test
With detailed feedback report-
1 Full Length IELTS Mock tests
Analytical Mock Test Report >
Band Score Report
Assessment in 48 Hours
Certified IELTS Examiners
100% Money Back Guarantee
2 speaking or writing tests
With detailed feedback report-
2 Full Length IELTS Mock tests
Analytical Mock Test Report
Band Score Report
Assessment in 48 Hours
Certified IELTS Examiners
100% Money Back Guarantee
5 speaking or writing tests
With detailed feedback report-
5 Full Length IELTS Mock tests
Analytical Mock Test Report
Band Score Report
Assessment in 48 Hours
Certified IELTS Examiners
100% Money Back Guarantee
10 Speaking or writing tests
With detailed feedback report-
10 Full Length IELTS Mock tests
Analytical Mock Test Report
Band Score Report
Assessment in 4 days
Certified IELTS Examiners
100% Money Back Guarantee
People Loving Blue Water
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People Loving Blue Water
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.